Paint the air purple

Thursday, June 08, 2006

OFF I GO i am gonna die

Well, this is my last post - ill make it short because i need to double check i have everything.

I am leaving for san francisco at 2:40pm tomorrow, and i arrive in san francisco 13 hours later, at 10:30 the same day - making it a very long longlong day. I am scared more than excited, because i know i will be getting lost, considering i can't even navigate myself around sydney.

As long as i find my hotel, i can bum around there if i am too scared to go out anywhere. I hope to god i meet someone like me,because the thing that scares me more than getting lost is being lonely. I want more than anything for one of my friends to be traveling around with me, but that will never happen - yet. Maybe one day. And in vietnam (thats the bit i am most looking forward to.)

Anyway, my next post will be from san fran.

If i don't make it for some reason, i love you all

mii x


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