Paint the air purple

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Paint the air purple

Paint the air purple

Monday, April 17, 2006

loooooooooong weekend

Some Easter long weekend. My family decided to abandon me and go on holidays to the beach, with walks along the shore under the full moon, dinner out, and a relaxing (though probably not with my dad being so competitive) game of tennis. Meanwhile, the machine worked on. Yesterday i worked 13 hours, from 8am to 9pm, and then even SLEPT at work, because there was no point me going home when I was alone, would have to make dinner ( i ended up just not eating anything anyway), and have yet another luke warm shower (the hot water system broke.) I'd catered for a breakfast of eighty, each person using far too much crockery and utensils than they needed, cleaned the kitchen, just as i had done the day before, and the day before, and again today, when i this time had to cater for fifty, with me the ONLY person doing it apart from the chef who makes scrambled eggs too runny. So happy easter to all of you that have a family that cares, and a boss who is tolerable and doesn't constantly bitch about her employees, saying (a direct quote) "I just want to STRANGLE her."

ignore the cynicism in my voice, its a disease some call exhaustion.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

random thoughts for today:
I was talking with a stereotypically geeky computer software designer, about evolution (suceeding a conversation about homing cockatoos), and he reckons that the human race was created by aliens, part of their experimentation with genetic manupulation. All the creatures on this earth, he reckons, exist as products of aliens mucking about with DNA. But then that raises the question: who created the aliens?

Another random thought:
I am reading a book called "The Revelations of Dr Modesto". I bought the book from a second hand book shop in the city, drawn to the cover, featuring a mans face, painted like a clown, with cracks in it, revealing people beneath. The book is actually a self-help book i think, for those feeling isolated. It revolves around the idea of Centralism: That in order to make yourself ultimately happy, you have to abandon all sense of self, or individuality, and become the absolute centre of the majority. Even coming down to sitting in the middle of the bus. Psychologically, i think that could actually work, for those desperately lonely. But i don't think its healthy to abandon your sense of self like that.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Did you mean to add me so I can do this to your atmospherically pigment alterated [with a purplish bias] piece of the web.

"A stolen meerkat back home, enjoying the creature comforts once again"

Time to go public


I've kept an old-fashioned diary, every day of my life, from the start of the new millenium. And i think its finally time to go public. To divulge the not-so-secret-nor-interesting life of a wacky species with a genus name of "Mii," somewhat related to a human being, but more of a cross between a badger and a cumquat.

Feel free to join in occassionally; as I step out of a world inside my head, to a big scary grown up world. I'll jump out of my Peter Pan skin, and into something which will hopefully take form as i go along.

Maybe i've thrown myself in the deep end a bit: going the WHOLE way when i thought i should be a little more independant. I mean, I still have issues operating a washing machine and a crockpot. And here I am trying to plan a working holiday where i'll travel over 25,000 miles across the globe...alone. Or will i meet people?

We'll see what life has installed, so i can reboot my system.